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Skrivet av: Julia

New moon DVD:n 3 disc :'D
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Disc 3:

• The remaining added value (122 min):

• Deleted Scenes: (15 min)

Bella’s Birthday Cake (:21)

Driving Home From Party (1:00)

Waking in the Woods (2:34)

Charlie Puts Bella in Bed (1:15)

Bike Crash (1:05)

Bella’s Nightmare and Chat w/ Charlie (4:12)

Remembering the Meadow (2:04)

Mike is Left at Cinema (:58)

I’m Here If You Want to Talk (:51)

Victoria Driving (1:38)

Jake Drives Bella Home (5:05)

• Edward Fast Forward (30 min)

• Jacob Fast Forward (33 min)

• Interview with the Volturi(12 min)

• Fandimonium(7 min)

• The Beat Goes On: The Music of New Moon (5 min)

• Frame by Frame: Storyboards to Screen (15-20 min)

Boxen inehåller dessutom: 2 st poster, bokmärken, 6 st vykort och 2 st armband.

För er som undrar vad disc 1 och disc 2 innehåller:

Disc 1: The feature film + commentary

Disc 2: Total selected added value (128 min):

- 6-part Documentary: (65 min) Life After TwilightChris WeitzTakes the HelmThe Subtle DetailsTime to ShineTricks of the TradeReady for the World

- Music Videos: (12 min)Death Cab for Cutie -Meet Me On the EquinoxAnya Marina -Satellite HeartMuse -B&W rehearsal footage ofI Belong To YouMute Math -Spotlight (from Twilight Soundtrack)Team Jacob and Team Edward

- Becoming Jacob(6 min)

- Introducing the Wolf Pack (9 min)

- Shooting in Italy (7 min)

- Extended Scenes: (29 min)

ShoolCorridor Extended (1:20)

English Class Extended (1:26)

Carlisle Stitches Bella Extended (2:54)

Scrap Metal Extended (3:00)

Start of Cinema Lobby Extended (1:27)

Phoning Jake Extended (1:00)

Meeting Laurent Extended (4:54)

Jake in Bella’s Room Extended (5:00)

Outside Emily’s Extended (1:28)

Leaving for Italy Extended (:27)

Edward Meets VolturiExtended (2:38)

Home from Italy Extended (2:34)

I See you’re Still Alive Extended (:41)


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